It is Granite Mountain Republican Women's policy to keep our member's personal information private. In order to obtain access to the Member Only page on our website and download the current directory, bylaws and policies, please respond with a request for access to the member only page via email to: [email protected] By responding you agree to the following terms:
I will set and maintain my own password. GMRW does not have access to that information.
I agree to NOT share my unique password access to ANYONE, including GMRW members and family members.
I agree that the information on the page is for my use only and will NOT be shared with anyone, including other GMRW members.
I agree that I will NOT use the GMRW Directory to contact GMRW members for any purpose other than official GMRW business as directed by a GMRW Officer or GMRW Chair.
I understand that any misuse of the information or sharing of the information may result in my access to the page being terminated by GMRW.
Once you respond, GMRW will send you an email. When you click on the link you will have an opportunity to set your own personal password. Going forward, you will need that password to access the Member Only page...The rest of the website DOES NOT require a password.
If you have any further questions, please contact me. Donna (DJ) Buehring [email protected]